The types of FIBC bags are generally categorized based on their electrostatic properties, which are defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the IEC 61340-4-4 standard. The different types are as follows:

I. Type A FIBC (Standard FIBC): Type A FIBC bags are made from non-conductive fabric and do not have any special electrostatic safety features. They should only be used for non-flammable, non-combustible materials that do not create any flammable or explosive atmospheres during filling, emptying, or transportation.

II. Type B FIBC (Anti-Static FIBC): Type B FIBC bags are constructed from insulating fabrics but have interconnected threads or filaments that provide some level of anti-static protection. They prevent the occurrence of incendiary sparks or brush discharges on the bag’s surface. However, they should not be used in environments where flammable dust or vapor atmospheres are present. III. Type C FIBC (Conductive FIBC): Type C FIBC bags are made from conductive fabrics or have conductive threads or filaments woven into the fabric. They are designed to safely dissipate electrostatic charges that may build up during filling or emptying processes. Type C FIBC bags have conductive loops, which need to be properly grounded during use to ensure effective static electricity dissipation.

IV. Type D FIBC (Static Dissipative FIBC): Type D FIBC bags are made from static dissipative fabrics that have a low breakdown voltage. Unlike Type C bags, they do not require grounding, as they are designed to safely dissipate static electricity without the need for grounding. They provide an extra level of safety by preventing the occurrence of incendiary sparks or brush discharges on the bag’s surface.

It’s important to use the appropriate type of FIBC bag depending on the material being handled and the environment in which they are used. Using the wrong type of FIBC bag for materials with flammable or explosive properties can lead to safety hazards and accidents.

Application Areas for packaging

  • Rice, Sugar and other grains.
  • Fertilizer, Urea, Plastic Resins , Polymers
  • Fish Meal , Cattle feed, Pet food